Do you ever feel like you're surrounded by runners? I'm not sure if it's just the current trend but almost every person I meet is a runner or is training to become one. Sometimes it feels like I'm drowning in their posts on social media about how far they ran and at what pace and how everyone should be a runner.Well I'm here to tell you- I will never be a runner. I have tried couch to 5K and I will be honest, I hated it.
Now don't get me wrong, I admire those people who can run for miles and miles and I'm even a bit jealous, but here's the thing- if you are not a runner IT'S OK!! In fact walking is a lot better for you than running according to some new studies. Running can be hard on your heart, it can compromise your immune system and it's not better for weight loss. Researchers say training for a specific event is great but just running every day is not necessarily the best way to get and stay healthy.
If you are currently a runner and you love it- that's great! If you're like me and have no desire to run but feel left out of the "in crowd" check out this article. It will definitely open your eyes to why just a nice family walk will be enough 🙂