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Sleep In or Exercise? Which is more important?

I get up super early for work every morning (3:30-4am) so exercising before work would seem insane to me. Yet you read all the time that getting your workout done in the morning is the best way to start your day.

So let's say I get up a half hour earlier to work out, now I've lost that 1/2 hour of sleep. I could make it up by going to bed earlier than normal…..but since my bedtime is already abnormal I can't imagine going to sleep at 7:30pm. So if you have to choose, which is more important? A good night's sleep or a morning workout?  Turns out its a trick question because you can't really have one be effective without the other.

A great night's sleep leads to a great workout because you'll be alert and have the energy. A great workout will help you get better quality sleep. A lot of people will sacrifice their sleep to get their workout in, but they aren't really doing their bodies any favors. And of course you're not helping your body by skipping the workout to sleep in.  So what do you do?  If you can't seem to fit in both don't despair….this article will help you out!

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