I am one of those people who always feels "stressed out". So much to do and so little time. I have a four year old who demands a lot of my attention, I work full time, and am a wife. Life is stressful. Add in the fact that I'm also someone who needs to have things around me clean, neat and in their place and you've got a crazy uptight person! It's easy to joke about but stress is a serious matter. It can cause issues with your health, with work, and with your relationships. Some stress is obvious but there are other things that are in your house right now that could be stressing you out that you don't even notice including your file cabinet, your mirrors, and your bed.
The mirror caught me off guard. I love antique and unique mirrors and have several in my home. I thought mirrors were supposed to make a room look bigger and reflect light in dark spaces. I had no idea these mirrors could be contributing to my stress. Looks like we're going to have a lot of bare walls in the near future!
The good news is there are ways to solve these "stressors" and no it doesn't involve kicking anyone out of the house! If you're feeling stressed, especially this time of the year, take a look at these 8 things that could be seriously stressing you out. Changing just a couple of things could make a big difference in your quality of life!