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4 Love Lessons we can learn from Dogs

I never realized how attached I am to our dog Mitch until a couple of weeks ago. We found two different lumps on his face and we are now taking him in for surgery tomorrow. Needless to say I am completely stressed out and worried. He is part of our family. He is my first child. When I found out I was pregnant Mitch started to lay on my feet every night while I slept. He is so protective of our daughter Ella and sleeps on her bedroom floor every night. He is truly our best friend.

Dogs can have such an impact on our lives and there is a good reason they have earned the title of "man's best friend". Dogs are awesome at relationships and can teach us a lot about how to improve our own relationships. Imagine your spouse being excited to see you when you walk in the door- even if they've had a bad day.  Dogs are always happy to see us, no matter how they feel.  They are Loyal to the core, they love unconditionally and they never hold a grudge.

We can learn so much about good relationships from our dogs. Check out this fantastic article that shares more!


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