The other day I took a look at our bills and I was blown away when I realized how much $$ we spend on our internet, our tv, and our phones! It's crazy to think about how much we rely on these things to function during the day.
Did you know that the average person unlocks their phone once every 11 minutes? That can't be right can it? That means about 80 times per day we are checking our phones for the latest social media post, text, or call.
So what are we teaching our kids? A survey found the average kid today wll spend six YEARS looking at a phone or tablet screen before they turn 18…..that's one third of their life!! I'm guilty of letting my 4 year old use her tablet for educational games and a few favorite shows but after reading that I realize…'s time to unplug.
I am going to attempt to do just that this summer. When school get's out I'm cutting the satellite, cutting the internet at home and cutting back on the phones. We are going to enjoy this beautiful area we live in and re-connect with each other. At least that's my master plan…..the question is- can we do it? Can we survive for 3 months without our gadgets and shows and games? It sounds so easy but what will happen 2 or 3 weeks into this experiment?
I look at it this way….even if we make it through a couple of weeks, we have still accomplished something. And isn't the saying "it only takes 21 days to develop a habit?" Wish me luck and if you have any thoughts or tips for unplugging your family please let me know!!!