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Get rid of pests with one plant!!

I am a big baby when it comes to pests. We have had mice in our house before and I completely freak out. I feel like I can hear them in the walls and have nightmares about them crawling on me while I'm sleeping.

My husband has a similar issue with spiders. He will take on any large critter out there but put a spider in front of him and he turns into a screaming 5 year old.

And don't even get me started on the dog! His latest obsession is a small chipmunk who has decided to make his home under a faux stone wall on our house. This little chipmunk is driving our dog mad. Mitch will spend hours staring at the wall thinking that little guy is going to pop up any minute!

That's why when I saw this article pop up on my facebook page I could not click it fast enough. Turns out one plant can fix all of our problems……peppermint!!

Check out this cool article and get rid of those pesky pests forever!

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