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My dog hates fireworks!!

This time of the year is very exciting for most of us in Northern Michigan. We have the 4th of July to kick things off and then it's all full two months of festivals, fairs, and fun!  I have always loved the fireworks but my dog Mitch is not fan.  If it was just one day he might be alright but we all have that one neighbor who starts the festivities two days before the actual event and usually doesn't wrap it up until at least a day after. We forget that not everyone loves loud noises, especially some of our four legged friends. Mitch usually responds by following me around the house as close as he can. I think if I could carry his 61 lb body around he would let me on those celebration days!

So what do you do when your four legged friend is not a fan of fireworks?  There are some great tips here to help calm your dog and prepare them for the holiday festivities! Enjoy the summer and the fun but remember to keep your four legged friends at home so they can stay calm.


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