So I'm now in the "back to school" game with my daughter Ella. She will be attending her second year of preschool, which is vey exciting. At this age there isn't much prep for back to school. Maybe a new backpack, a few new clothing items, and of course supplies for classroom. It doesn't sound like much but even those few things can really add up. Now add a couple more kids to the mix who need paper, pencils, calculators, etc and it becomes a shopping spree of epic proportions!
So how do you save $$ when it comes to back to school? Well luckily there are a handful of stores that offer items under $1 or even just a penny. These stores won't make money off their back to school items, but they want to get you inside the store so you'll spend your money on unplanned items as well.
If you have the willpower to resist- you can really bang out all of your school shopping and save big! Check out the list of 5 stores where back-to-school items cost as little as a penny! Happy Shopping 🙂