Spring cleaning is a great way to kick off the summer and freshen up the house after a long winter. Fall purging, however, is even better! I am terrible at collecting things and putting them into my "crap" baskets. Little baskets all over the house that have junk that's been left on countertops, dressers and other pieces of furniture. The crap ranges from screws and construction items from my husband, to pony tail holders from Ella. The baskets just grow and grow and when they are full, I find yet another basket to fill.
So now that fall is almost here I am ready for a crap basket purge! In fact because we've been in the middle of home improvement projects, I want to take it a step further and purge the whole house so we can head into winter feeling relaxed and clutter free.
The problem is…..where do I start? The little baskets? The closets? Well I found a great article called the No-Brainer Purge: 20 Items to get rid of right now without a second thought. Some items on the list include old clothes, chipped dishes and mugs, DVD's you're not watching and more. Check it out here and begin the fall purge!!