Sometimes I wonder if I'm living. Not whether or not I'm actually breathing, getting up every day, functioning but actually LIVING. Not just living, but living my life to the fullest. There are many days I go home from work and I'm tired so I take a nap, or I make an excuse for not getting out and doing something active. On those days I feel like I'm wasting time. What if today is my last day and I spent it unloading the dishwasher, throwing in a load of clothes and then binge watching Grey's Anatomy? When my daughter talks about me at school do I want her to tell her teachers her mom likes to lay on the couch in the afternoon? Definitely not. So how on earth do you know if you're living life to the fullest? Does it mean you are non-stop busy every day? If that business is running errands and cleaning then the answer would be no. I can't imagine I'm the only person who feels this way. I am not living life to the fullest but I definitely want to change that. So how? Here are six ways you can life life to the fullest and they are pretty easy. You'll have to get out of your comfort zone for a couple of them but it will be worth it! Set some of these as goals and see what happens in your life 🙂
1. Be bold and take risks. If you ALWAYS make the safe choice, you end up limiting yourself. And that applies to everything from taking a new job, to asking someone on a date.
2. Stop doing the same thing every weekend. Try to expand the list of stuff you do on a regular basis, so you don't get in a rut. When you're on your death bed, you won't regret missing a football game or two.
3. Do stuff that's outside your comfort zone. Which goes hand-in-hand with the last one. It doesn't have to be something big, like skydiving. It could be as simple as ordering something new at a restaurant.
4. Get together with friends as much as possible. And do whatever you can to make NEW friends, so you're not just hanging out with the same people all the time.
5. Try to master a new skill. It doesn't matter what it is. Just stick with it, and you'll feel like a more interesting person who didn't just sit around wasting time.
6. Travel as much as you can. Maybe you can't afford to fly to Europe every year. But just going somewhere new that's within driving distance can open you up to new ideas and experiences.