I have talked before about my anxiety and panic attacks I have suffered from on and off since I was in my 20's. For the most part I have it under control now but there have been some real struggles. I never thought about something like anxiety being hereditary but now I'm not so sure.
My daughter Ella is going through some kind of phase right now where she refuses to eat at school. It's not about the food because we let her choose what she wants to pack. It started last year at the end of the year when my sister passed away. She stayed home with me for a week and then when she went back to school she refused to eat there. Summer came and went and she did fine at daycare but now we are back in school and she's doing it again. She will eat the minute she gets home or rides the bus to daycare but for some reason she will not eat at the school She will sit with the other kids while they are eating but won't eat her food.
I can't help but wonder if somewhere along the way whether it was in the womb when I worried about having a healthy baby or in May when my sister passed and I was so sad that I somehow passed my anxiety off to my child. Is it something inherited and not in my control? Or is it learned behavior? It's on my mind and has me (surprise) anxious about. I definitely do not wish anxiety on anyone- especially my 5 year old child. She should be carefree and worry free at this age. So how can I prevent passing on my anxiety to my child? Here are 6 ways to do it! I definitely have my work cut out for me 🙂