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Is your mood changing with the leaves?

Summertime seems like such a happy time in Northern Michigan. Sure we get frustrated with the "fudgies" now and then but overall people are out enjoying the beaches, the sunsets, boating and all that our beautiful area has to offer. 

Although Fall is also a beautiful time with the leaves changing color and things slowing down, it seems that peoples' moods tend to change as well.  It was a beautiful weekend but I just wanted to stay inside and spend time alone- partly because of the cold I caught last week but partly because I just felt "in a mood". 

Is fall affecting you the same way? It's totally normal according to scientists and there are lots of reasons why our mood changes with the seasons. One of the biggest reasons is…..light.  The length of the day, which gets shorter in the fall and winter months, can definitely do a number on our mood. In fact your body knows when the light is hiding and it's not something you can control with just plain ole willpower.

So what do we do when our mood is changing faster than the leaves?  Here are some cold weather "pick me ups" for you along with more details on how your mood is effected by the seasons. 

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