I have loved music since I was a kid. Whether I was feeling happy or sad, music was always my companion. We lived in a rural part of Charlevoix where we only had 3 tv channels, so radio was the go-to for entertainment. It's funny that I never thought about radio as a career when I was a kid because looking back now it seems like such a no brainer. I listened every morning and afternoon to my favorite station, singing the words to every song. I would walk around with a tape recorder and pretend to be a reporter interviewing people. When my first real boyfriend broke up with me, I reached for music to comfort me. At my wedding reception, I carefully chose the music that would most represent the feeling of marrying my best friend. Every time I turn on the radio, a song takes me back in time and brings up a memory.
So it's no surprise to hear that music has some amazing benefits. I'm guessing if you're reading this, you're a fan of music since you listen to our radio station- otherwise you might not even know this blog exists. So what are the benefits? The Huffington Post wrote a great article about the power of music. It can relieve anxiety, help you heal and motivate you. Check out the list of undeniable benefits of music here.