Ever since I had my daughter Ella I have really tried to be healthier and take as natural an approach as I can. We try to buy products without harmful chemicals, foods that are healthy and organic when we can, and we try to take care of our environment by recycling.
One thing I've always struggled with is medicine. I really don't want to give Ella something unless she absolutely needs it, but I tend to jump right on the medicine band wagon when I'm sick. Recently I have tried some essential oils to replace over the counter medications but have had mixed results.
So then there are home remedies. You've probably been told to use Vitamin C for a cold, Zinc to lessen the severity of sickness, and maybe even garlic (yuck). So do these types of home remedies actually work or are we just kidding ourselves?
Kids have an average of 6-8 colds every year- that's a lot of medicine so for me it's worth looking into some of these alternatives. Here is some great information on several home remedies and how well they will work for you during the cold and flu season!