I don't know about you but I am over the election. Whether your candidate won or lost it seems most people are just feeling a little off- probably because of all of the negativity and anger associated with the entire process.
I have managed to keep things pretty calm in my world, maybe because I just don't talk about it. But even so, I still just have this feeling of stress. Stress that our president elect won't live up to what he says. Stress that certain relationships in my life are forever changed because of a political difference. Even stress that I may have unintentionally judged someone or altered my view of them based on their choice.
If the election has you all stressed out, especially if the Trump victory was not what you were hoping for, there are somethings you can do to help yourself. Psychologists say the key is doing something that will give you a temporary sense of having some control. One of their suggestions: clean out your freezer! It sounds crazy but because it is something productive it will help you get that sense of control back into your life and feel some acomplishment.
Cosmopolitan released their "14 Effective Ways to Deal With Post-Election Anxiety" while Reuters shares their tips including cleaning out the freezer.
Both suggest just unplugging yourself from social media and the television until you are able to get back some control- Good luck!