As I mentioned last week one of my New Year’s Resolutions every year is to workout and get into shape. I am very hot and cold with this…..more cold since having a child.
Yes I have really good excuses for not working out! One is a 5 year old who wants to climb on me the minute I hit the floor to do exercises. The other is time……I’m up at 4am for work, pick cute 5 year old up at 1pm and spend the afternoon with her and cleaning the house, doing laundry, blah, blah, blah.
Sound familiar? What if I told you working out just two days a week has benefits!! So if you’ve already fallen off the 5-7 day a week wagon, don’t worry!! A news tudy found two days a week will get you the basic health benefits of exercise that will decrease your chances of dying from heart disease or cancer.
Sounds good right? You can do that right? Find out more about it here 😉