When is the last time you had a “good night’s sleep”? During the week I get about 6 or 7 hours and it’s usually interrupted by a 5 year old yelling “mommy I need you” at least once per night. On the weekends I can sometimes get a good 8 hours but I’m usually awake at least once during the night.
B.E (before Ella) every weekend was a “sleep in” weekend. Sometimes there would be a nap involved in the middle of afternoon. Those days are long gone! Now we celebrate when we get to sleep in until 6:30am!
So what is a good night’s sleep? Is it the amount of hours you get? Or is the amount of deep or REM sleep? To break it all down for you here’s a great article that will help you decide whether or not you’re getting a “good night’s sleep” and if you’re not how to start 🙂