Last week I had an incident in my bathroom. I had been sick for a few days and one morning while using the bathroom I passed out. This has never happened to me before and I honestly don’t remember it. One minute I was trying to splash some cold water on my neck and the next I was waking up on the floor in front of a pool of blood. It was a super scary incident but luckily I woke up on my own and was able to get to a phone.
At the ER it was discovered that not only had I cut the bridge of my nose open from the fall, but I had actually fractured my nose. It’s the first time I have ever broken a bone in my body so I honestly wasn’t sure what to expect. I knew I would have a mark on my nose from the gash, but was not ready for the amount of bruising to my face from the incident. In fact several days after the accident I looked worse than when it first happened.
We all get bruises and most times, when they are on our legs or arms we just ignore them. But when you have two big black eyes they are hard to hide and they definitely create chatter among people curious to know what happened. So how can you get rid of these obvious trauma signs? One way is Pineapple. Several people have suggested eating pineapple every day. Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain that will help repair damaged blood vessels that cause bruising. Chocolate is another good one. It contains coco bio active compounds that are good for skin health.
For more home remedies to deal with bruising, check here.