Have you ever had one of those nights when you just don’t sleep well? Most people have and there are plenty of reasons for them: stress, sickness, snoring, distractions……the list goes on and on. For me I think it has something to do with Ella being gone for a few days. She decided to head to her Nana and Papa’s for spring break and says she is staying for 5 days. In my mind I figured I would hear from her by today and she would want to come home early but I realize now- that’s not happening!
I should be enjoying my time alone, but instead I’m dragging around and feeling drained.
So how do you bounce back after a crappy night’s sleep? the experts say the first thing you should do is eat right away. Sleep deprivation can mess with your hunger signals. Another thing you can try is deep breathing. It seems like it would relax you and put you to sleep but it has similar effects to exercise, which is also on the list. Find more ways to bounce back after a bad night’s sleep here.