Are you a confident person? A lot of people believe I must be because I talk on the radio and get up in front of people, but I can tell you I’m not. I’ve never had confidence in myself, even as a kid. I always wanted to try out for performing arts but never did because I didn’t think I was good enough. I quit cheerleading before the first football game because I was terrified and thought I would get laughed at if I screwed up. Even now when faced with an event where I have to get on stage and talk I am sick for days before, worried that I will fail.
Now my fear is that I am going to pass that lack of confidence down to my daughter. I want her to try everything and know that she is amazing, no matter if she succeeds or fails. Since she is only 5 I have plenty of time to help her gain the confidence she needs to be successful in life.
But what about me? I’m 44 and still living with a big lack of confidence. It keeps me from pursuing my dreams and trying news things. So what can I, or you, do about it? Well luckily there are ways to lead a more confident existence. One of the biggest ones for me is to stop comparing myself to others. It doesn’t matter how much more attractive someone is, or how much thinner they are, or smarter. We are all God’s creatures and are all unique. So that’s one way to live with more confidence. If you’re like me and want to learn more check this out.