I have a confession- I am not a hugger. I have never been a hugger. I’m not talking about my immediate family. My husband and daughter get lots of hugs. Outside of that though I am just not a hugger. I have no idea why but it’s just always uncomfortable. Now that’s not to say that I refuse to hug someone if they lean in for one, but it’s definitely not something that feels natural with people. It’s usually quite awkward and most times feels forced, again not because I don’t care for the person but because it’s just not a natural part of my nature.
If you are a hugger then this is going to be great news for you. If you’re like me and not a natural hugger you make want to re-think your take on it. Hugs are good for your health. Hugs not only can make us feel good, they can deliver some real health benefits. From easing stress to lowering blood pressure, hugs can be magical medicine. Read more about it here and when you’re out and about today, make sure you share the magic of a hug with someone 😉