Have you had one of those days recently where you just want to start over? Just a crappy day when you get up and something goes wrong, or you get a negative text or email the minute you get to work? We’ve all had them. It’s crazy that one small thing like spilling something, or one irritating facebook post can ruin an entire day but it can.
I am a super sensitive person too, so it’s a double whammy. If something bad happens or stresses me out I cling to it all day, bring it home and sometimes go to bed with it. Not a good way to handle a bump in the road.
If you find yourself having a bad morning because something set you off- traffic, grumpy kids, a work text…..there are some expert-approved ways you can turn your crappy day around before it gets the best of you! The first thing you want to do is acknowledge it, instead of trying to sweep it under the rug. The quicker you accept the bad mood the quicker you can change it. Other ways to kick that bad mood in the butt- take a walk, find a furry friend, or accomplish a task you’ve been avoiding. Here are more great ideas to turn that crappy day around so good luck!!