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Mosquito Bite Hacks

My family loves being outdoors in the summertime. We try to camp as many weekends as we can squeeze in before it gets cold. On our last trip my daughter Ella said “mom, I just love being in nature”. It made my heart melt. That’s what Northern Michigan is all about right? Getting outside and enjoying what God has given us.
There’s one thing, however, I do not enjoy….bug bites. You can try to prevent them by using bug spray, DIY concoctions, and more, but inevitably you will come home with some big red itchy splotches. It happened to us over the weekend, and Ella has been miserable. I’ve tried Benadryl cream but it’s pretty temporary. I remember as a kid my mom would get out the big pink bottle of Calamine lotion- which actually still works and is on the list of hacks I found.  A couple of other things you can use are aloe, toothpaste and even salt paste.
Get some more ideas on dealing with bug bites and how to reduce the number of mosquitos around your house here.

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