4th of July is one of the biggest holidays of the year. There are parades, bbq’s, red, white and blue, and who can forget the fireworks. I’ve always loved them, since I was a kid. Some of the best ones are the big booms followed by the brilliant colors. My dog Mitch, however is not a fan.
Every 4th of July we close all of the windows and turn up the radio in the hopes of drowning out all of the booms and crashes during the town’s fireworks display. After that, though, there are the dozens of neighborhood folks who keep the party going until 2 or 3am, causing my dog to have a big of a nervous breakdown.
If your dog gets worked up to the point of panic, they are not alone. The anxiety is a progressive medical condition called canine noise aversion and at least one out of three dogs suffer from it. Fireworks and thunder are particularly stressful for animals with this condiiton.
There are some medications you can use to calm your furry friend, but if you’d rather not go that route, here are some suggestions to help.