Working out does not come naturally to me. I have never been an “I love exercise” kind of person. I really have to force myself to to the gym or pop in a workout video and I will find every excuse in the book that I can to avoid doing it.
Part of my problem is finding time in the day to work out. I get up at 4am and head to work, then directly after I pick up my 5 year old and spend the afternoon with her. Then it’s dinner, bath and bedtime for both of us- yes I go to bed the same time my child does so I can handle that 4am wake up call.
Some of my friends who do work out have suggested doing it at the beginning of my day to get it out of the way, but that would mean a 3:30 wake up call! That sounds horrible but research has shown that getting your workout in earlier in the day has some great benefits.
So how do you motivate yourself to get out of bed in the morning? Here are some great suggestions for you, which include listening to music when you get up and smelling some citrus! Hope it helps you with that morning exercise motivation!