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The first day of Kindergarten

Well here we are, about 3 weeks before the first day of Kindergarten. I cannot believe Ella is already here! It seems like just yesterday I was changing her diapers and helping her walk and now I will be dropping her off for her first full day of school on Sept. 5th.
As expected, there are some nervous thoughts happening for both of us. I’m nervous about whether or not her teacher will understand her needs and be sensitive to her quirks. I’m worried about her being able to get through a full day of learning without losing her concentration. I worry about her talking too much ( I wonder where she gets that LOL!) I worry she will be left out or bullied, I worry she could become the bully….the list of my fears goes on and on!
On her side of things, she’s nervous about making friends. We found out that her two closest pals from pre-school are not in her classroom this year. That caused some major tears and frustration. Now don’t get me wrong, she’s good at making friends, but I’m not sure she feels the confidence about herself that I feel for her. She’s so much like me that I know exactly what she’s feeling, but I’m not quite sure how to help her get over her fears.
What do you do when your child is nervous about school? Where is the line between being too tough with them and babying them?  I struggle with that because #1 she’s my one and only, and #2, I’m super sensitive and have passed that off to her.
Here is a great article that gives you tips on how to help your child make the transition to Kindergarten. It covers reading and role playing and keeping your own anxiety in check-which is the hardest part in my opinion!


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