Ella has been back in school for a couple of weeks now and if you’ve had a Kindergartener you know they share a lot- including germs. I am praying this year will be a little bit better because she’s been in school for a couple of years (two years of preschool) so her immune system should be tough enough to handle everything that comes her way. I know though, there will be a time when she’s going to come down with something and when it hits her, it usually hits me too.
Doing what I do for a living it’s tough to miss work. Someone has to be on the radio every day so if I’m not there one of my co-workers has to step in, which of course makes me feel bad. Also using my voice for a living means what might not bother most people becomes a super big deal to me ie: sore throat, cough, etc.
So what do you do if you feel like you might be coming down with something and you really need to stay well? Here are some great tips of what to do before bed.