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How to talk to your kids about gun violence

Yesterday was a difficult day. To wake up and hear about the horrible tragedy in Las Vegas was heartbreaking. It felt like 9-11 again. Just watching the news coverage as my heart was breaking for the massive loss. As an adult and being a part of the media I have learned to handle these types of tragedies, but it still makes your mind go crazy with stress and worry. Will I ever go to a concert again? Is any public event safe anymore? And what about my child? Children are so innocent and we try to keep them that way for as long as we can. Shielding your children from reality, however, isn’t always the best answer. So when something happens like what happened yesterday, how do you protect your children but also answer their questions? It’s not always easy but one of the first tips the experts give is to turn off the news. They say kids can become overwhelmed by somber newscasts and graphic statistics and facts.  Another great tip is to teach tolerance. Your kids will hear a lot of anger and harsh words about violence, gun control, and a lot of hate from people who are frustrated and confused. Your job is to make sure they understand human life is precious and violence is never the answer. Here are some more tips on how to talk to your kids about gun violence.

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