Well the holidays are here and that means time with family. Sometimes it's extended family you don't see very often. If you have a large family that gets together every Christmas…..cherish it. My husband's family does a fun New Year's Eve celebration but on my side of the family my sister lives in Minnesota, my mom's side of the family are gone, and my dad's side….well let's just say it would be too much drama! I guess looking on the bright side- I don't have to worry about awkward conversations with family I don't know well or see very often but a lot of people are put in that exact position once a year. So what is the key to a good conversation starter? The trick is to ask about something interesting without going too shallow or too deep, and avoiding topics that could be dicey. If you think about topics you're interested in ahead of time you can prepare for interesting conversation.
Need more help with this? Check out a great article all about conversation starters and enjoy that family get together- not everyone has that gift!