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Want to live longer? Get concert tickets!!

I used to attend concerts quite frequently when I was single. Now that I’m married and have a 6 year old it gets harder to find the time for a concert, plus find the $$ for the tickets. Usually once a year my husband and I see a show at Interlochen and try to see at least one at the Cherry Festival, but that’s about it.
I did just buy tickets to see one of his favorite groups in July, and now I’m glad I did. A new study finds that attending live music concerts can actually help you live longer.  Sounds funny right? Standing in a crowd of thousands of people with super loud music in your ears……but attending 20 minutes of a concert can make you feel 21% better- which is stronger than doing yoga or even walking your dog.
That boost then leads to a longer life. A high level of well being can increase your lifespan by nine years, so grab those tickets to see Sheryl Crow at the Cherry Festival and live longer!!!!

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