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Mosquito Mayhem!!

We spent our Memorial Weekend camping and had a blast, but came home with more than we left with…..mosquito bites! My sweet Ella was hit the worst, and hers swelled right up. I felt so bad that the bug repellent we used just didn’t do the trick but didn’t have any other ideas at the time.
We must not have been the only ones attacked, because sure enough on Tuesday, my social media news feed was full of other tales of mosquito bites, but also some life hacks on how to deal with the little buggers before they get you!
The first thing I read about was coffee grounds. I’m not a coffee drinker but I know enough of them to be able to start collecting grounds. Once you have them saved, dry them out and then burn them around the areas you want to keep mosquito free! This isn’t just great for camping, but backyard parties and barbecues! If just coffee grounds aren’t enough, add some bay leaves to the mix 😉
The other idea I found was using Listerine. This one has a few doubters but I figure it’s worth a try right? The idea is you spray your lawn, deck floor, food area, kids play area….pretty much anywhere you don’t want mosquitoes hanging around.
Other natural ways to combat these pests include using an oscillating fan, creating a sugar mixture trap and growing pest-repelling plants like lemon grass. Whatever method you choose, good luck!!

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