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Mon - Fri: 03:00 PM - 07:00 PM

Alpenfest, Thunder on the water, Fun on the streets and much more!

You’ll find great food and family fun in Gaylord this week, big boats in Boyne, a night for the whole family in Petoskey, plus art on the water in Charlevoix and a walk through history in Traverse City!
Gaylord Alpenfest, July 9th through 13th
Bring the whole family for a salute to Swiss heritage with  food and fun, the carnival, lots of live music, contests, parades, and lots more! Get the complete schedule of events at https://www.gaylordalpenfest.com/event-schedule
16th Annual Boyne Thunder Poker Run, July 12th & 13th
This event showcases high-performance boats roaring through the waters of Lakes Michigan and Charlevoix on a 150-mile excursion to get the best poker hand. Lakeside viewing of the parade lap starts at about 10am Saturday in Boyne City. Proceeds will benefit Camp Quality, Challenge Mountain, and the Boyne City Main Street Program. Get more info at boynethunder.com
Petoskey Rocks!, Fridays through August 9th, 6-11pm
Bring the whole family for a night of fun in Downtown Petoskey! Featuring street musicians, free carriage rides, live music, a ghost walk, and the free movie in Pennsylvania Park at dark. This week’s movie is “Coco”.
51st Annual Art & Craft Show and Bridge Street Boat Show, Saturday, July 13th, Sunday, July 14th, Downtown Charlevoix
Featuring more than 150 artists and craftsmen from around the country, plus beautiful vintage and wooden boats. Stroll, shop and daydream about a summer on the water!
Traverse Area Historical Society History Tours, Saturday, July 13th, 10:30am, Downtown TC
Meet at the Perry Hannah statue at the corner of 6th and Union streets. These tours are conducted by guides with special interest in TC history and offer up a look at the city’s past. Cost is a suggested $10 donation.

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