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Back to School Tips to Get Organized!!

Well here we are- a week and half until school starts and if you’re like me you’re wondering…where the heck did the summer go????

I always get overwhelmed at this time of year because we tend to get out of our routines during summer.  Bedtimes are more lax, structure is out the window, and baths are optional.  So how do we get back into the groove without feeling like we need a glass of wine or a xanax?

The key is our kids. Even at a young age, kids can help you help them get ready for back to school. Obviously if they are younger their help will consist of taking their lunchbox out of their backpack or making sure it’s in the backpack in the morning, but as they get older there are a lot of other things they can do to help you not lose your mind and keep things organized and structured.

Last night Ella and I took a look at her school list together and picked out what she would need. We also pulled out the new backpack for the school year and got her excited about heading back.  Getting your child prepared by making lists and talking to them about what will change once school starts is a great start. Discuss the mornings and what will be expected of them.  Encourage them to choose their outfits the night before, and also discuss homework and how it will be handled every night.

There are great tips and strategies for kids of all ages to help with preparing and surviving another school year……check them out here. https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/10/us/back-to-school-getting-kids-organized/index.html

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