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It’s all about Halloween fun this weekend!!!

Scares come with a splash at the Charlevoix Community Pool this Saturday. Kick off Saturday running with zombies through the streets of TC, then choose from several different Halloween parties on Saturday night!
Spook Swim, Friday, October 25th, 6-8pm, Charlevoix Community Pool
Enjoy spooky music and decorations on the pool deck, and floating pumpkins in the water! Swim, eat pizza, enjoy refreshments, grab a goody bag, all for just $6 each, students and adults. Children under 3 are free but still need to register….sign up online at charlevoixpool.org/spook-swim or call to pay and reserve at 231-547-0982.
11th Annual Zombie Run 5k, Saturday, October 26th, 9am, Right Brain Brewery, Traverse City
Wear your best zombie attire for this fun run that starts at Right Brain and winds along the Boardman Lake Trail. Proceeds benefit TART trails. Admission is $35 for adults, $25 for kids 17 and under. Sign up at tczombierun.com
Halloween Hoopla at Boyne Mountain, Saturday, October 26th
Bring the kids for pumpkin painting and a craft corner, scenic chairlift rides, pumpkin bowling, trick-or-treating, a kids costume contest, spooky story time and much more. Get all the info at boynemountain.com
Halloween Party at the Sportsplex in Gaylord, Saturday, October 26th, 6-8:30pm
Come out for open swim and open skate parties, face painting, a costume contest with prizes, and more, all to benefit the Lady Blue Devil Swim Team. Admission is $20 per family or $7 person.
Mt. Holiday Halloween Party, Saturday, October 26th, 8-11pm, Mt Holiday, Traverse City
This is an adults-only party, featuring music, dancing, beverages, a hot dog bar and costume contest, all to benefit Mt. Holiday. Tickets are $20 in advance, $28 at the door. Get yours at mynorthtickets.com

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