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Mon - Fri: 06:00 AM - 11:00 AM

No tricks or treats for the dog.

Halloween and dogs… some love it and some just wish it was another day. I have one dog that doesn’t like kids or costumes, so it’s not a good day for him. And my other dog loves kids, loves the attention and could care less that they all look like little gremlins and princesses. Halloween is a great day for her. Trick or treat!
But in can be a stressful day for dogs. So, here are a few reminders on how to keep your dog happy and safe on Halloween night.
1) Keep the candy hidden. Chocolate can be poisonous for dogs and they should not have sugar either. Besides, you don’t want to share the Reese’s with them anyway.
2) Don’t leave your pets outside in the yard alone. There are pranksters out that might open the gate or worse. Not worth the chance.
3) Keep your dogs away from the dog as the kids are coming to trick or treat. Even the mildest mannered dog can get scared and run. Or worse, bite.
4) Keep glow sticks away from the dogs. They are great to help light up your little trick or treaters but can be toxic when opened.
5) And as much as you love it…. Know your dog before you dress them up. Some dogs could not care less what they wear. But others, it can be traumatic. So know your dog before you try anything out of the ordinary.
Enjoy the night…. and keep the dogs safe!

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