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Chili, snowshoes and the Yeti Fest

It’s going to be a great weekend to get outside! The temps are mild for the end of January and there is plenty of snow to make winter activities lots of fun. So, find your mittens and get off the sofa…. fun is waiting for you.
Harbor Springs Chili Cookoff, Boyne Highlands, Sunday, Jan 26, 12-3          The Harbor Springs Area Chili Cook-Off is back this season in a fun, new on-hill location. You’ll have the opportunity to taste your favorite chilis from area chefs and amateur chili cooks. After tasting, cast your vote for the best chili. Admission is $12 for adults, and kids 12 & under are free. THE LITE 96 CHILI TEAM INCLUDING THE BREAKFAST SHOW’S MARK ELLIOTT AND JOHN KELLY WILL BE SERVING UP THEIR CHILI. Stop in and give their chili a try!
Yeti Fest 2020, Suttons Bay, January 25                                                                  Events for the whole family abound at this annual event celebrating the mythical Yeti! Scavenger hunts, snowman building, a chili cook-off, free movie, Yeti look-alike contest and more are all on the schedule! More info here.
On January 25th from 5 p.m. until 9 p.m., it’s the ever popular Bearcub Outfitters Torchlight Snowshoe Outing at Camp Daggett! Experience the ambiance of snow-covered trails illuminated by more than 100 torches on your trek. Afterward, come inside for a cup of hot chocolate, freshly-baked cookies and to warm up by the crackling fire in Camp’s beautiful main lodge. Buy raffle tickets for great Bearcub Outfitter products with all proceeds going to Camp Daggett. Admission is free, donations are encouraged, and snowshoes are available for all ages!
Snow Shoe Hike at Sleeping Bear, Saturdays thru March 14                            Join rangers for a snowshoe adventure at the National Lakeshore! Snowshoes will be loaned at no charge to participants who do not have their own equipment. Traditional and modern snowshoes will be available. Two hikes are offered each Saturday and depart at the same time – 1:00 PM.
The Snowshoe Saunter is for beginners who can expect to proceed at a leisurely pace for about one and a half miles. The Snowshoe Trek is for experienced snowshoe hikers and will be a slightly faster-paced tour across more rugged terrain. Both hikes will involve exploration and adventure! Reservations are required whether or not you have your own equipment! Call 231-326-4700, extension 5010 to register.
Kids on Skis Through the Woods, Sundays thru March 29, 11:45am at Timber Ridge                                                                                                                         Get the kids out for Vasa Domingos — a family-friendly, weekly group ski where they’ll meet new friends, get fit, explore the woods, build confidence and have FUN. Probably eat some snacks after, too.
From preschoolers to high school seniors, all ages and abilities are welcome. Although the routes at Timber Ridge are groomed and marked, this is not a guided ski but rather a group ski for families. There are three different trails available: a loop for our youngest skiiers, a 3-4 K loop for those with more experience and a 6K loop for advanced skiiers.

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