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Fantastic Frugal Indoor Activities for the Kiddos

So today is a day off for my daughter’s school. I had to work so I sent her to their after school program, but over the weekend it was pretty cold out.  We love to do things outdoors when it’s nice but let’s face it, there are times when it’s just too windy or too cold to ski, snowshoe, iceskate or sled. That’s when we run into the problem……the technology comes out. So then we have to restrict the technology which is when that horrible beast called “I’m bored” is released.

Of course they have a room full of toys they can play with but it’s all boring!!! On these days my patience really gets tested because I’m not “rainbow spaghetti” mom. I’m not crafty mom who can come up with a million different fun things to do on a crappy day. I’m the mom who makes a lame pillow fort out of a couple of blankets and then wants to take a nap!

So what do you do with your kids when they are stuck inside, fighting and whining that there’s nothing to do?  Well I don’t have a solution for you but luckily I found someone who does!

From Lavender playdough to DIY snow globes this article has it all…..so check it out and save your sanity!!

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