On Air
Mon - Fri: 11:00 AM - 03:00 PM

Saying Good-bye is always hard….

My mom loves to share this cute story about my sister and I when we were little girls. I would walk around with our 1980’s tape recorder and a microphone and pretend I was interviewing Lori at a grocery store. I was reporting on a new soap that the store was carrying and asking her what she thought about it. I think my mom still has the cassette somewhere, and we laugh all the time about why we didn’t have a clue then that destiny would lead me to radio. I’m sure you’ve heard or read my story over the last 23 years. I went to college and received an accounting degree and then took a job at a radio station. Seems weird but it led me to where I am now 23 years later.

The last 15 years I’ve been blessed to spend every weekday (well almost) with all of you from 10am to 3pm. We’ve shared so much- from my wedding to the birth of my daughter Ella. You’ve heard stories of my family and my adventures. You’ve watched Ella grow up on social media, and you have been loyal listeners. I can’t begin to express how much love I have for all of you. I may not have met you in person (although I bet I’ve run into quite a few of you over 15 years!) but I consider you all my friends and it saddens me to say that I am leaving Lite 96.3.

The time has come for me to try my hand at something new. It was a very difficult decision and I’m still not 100% sure about it, but to take care of my family the best way I can I am beginning a new career in sales. I will miss my daily show and I will miss all of you. Words can’t describe what the past 15 years have meant on Lite 96.3. I am putting my personal email in this note so that we can keep in touch if that’s something you’d like to do. Thank you for being a part of such a fun ride….I love you all.

PS: I will still do an occasional weekend show… so hopefully we can connect then!

Heather Leigh

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