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Mon - Fri: 11:00 AM - 03:00 PM

There are so many ways to help others this week-while having fun at the same time!

The Northern Home and Cottage tour goes virtual through the end of the year…you can donate blood in Petoskey this week, have a delicious soup lunch while helping needy kids in Boyne, enjoy a great virtual concert for the Music House Museum, and get, or give, help for pets in need in TC!
2020 Northern Home and Cottage Virtual Tour
Through December 31st
This year the Up North Home and Cottage tour is going virtual, all to benefit Child and Family Services! Virtual video documentaries will allow you to tour 8 of Up North’s most stunning residences, all from the comfort of your couch! Make a donation and get your tickets here.
Blood Drive at Odawa Casino
Wednesday, November 4th, 9am to 3pm
Walk ins are welcome but reservations are encouraged by visiting donate dot Michigan dot versiti dot org or email Marty Van De Car at mvandecar@odawacasino.com. Learn more here.
Hot Soup Lunch at the Boyne City Eagles
Thursday, November 5th, 11:30am to 1:30pm
Help Kids be Kids! Stop by for a meal of hot soup and help local children with your donation. $6 will get you a choice of 8 different soups, plus crackers, bread and rolls and a sweet treat for dessert! Money raised will help purchase backpacks, clothing, lunch boxes, school supplies and more to help families in need throughout the area.
Pico, Chown and Sears-a Live Virtual Performance for the Music House Museum
Saturday, November 6th, 7pm
Join Miriam Picó, David and Laurie Sears in concert in support and appreciation of The Music House Museum. This will be a musical evening event filled with classic show tunes and Jazz standards.  Get tickets at mynorthtickets.com
Pet Assistance at Square Deal Country Store in Traverse City
Wednesdays 2:30-5:30, and Saturdays 12-3 through November
If you need assistance with meeting your pet’s needs, Hoop’s Pet Food Pantry can help. They will be at the Square Deal Country Store on Woodmere Ave every Wednesday and Saturday of this month, offering pet supplies donated by your friends, neighbors & community businesses. If you’d like to make a donation, food & supplies can be dropped at the store during business hours.

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