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Is nail trimming time full of drama?

I have always trimmed my dogs nails at home. They do not need professional grooming, so It was just easier to do it myself. Until Bailey.  He’s the deaf Boston Terrier I adopted last fall and between his puppy energy and not being able to hear, trimming his nails had become almost impossible. Had to be held tightly by a helper, which frustrated him and made it hard for me to feel confident making the cut. And then he started to nip. So I had to find a solution.
I had seen a grooming sling on a couple of Facebook pages I am on. It looked promising, but lately, everything I buy online has been a disappointment. So, I took the Amazon gift  card I got for Christmas and decided to give it a try. And I am not exaggerating when I say…. life changing!
The sling came and looked easy enough to use. So, I went to the hardware store and tried to find an simple way to hang it. A metal tension rod (shower rod) looked like it would work for my dogs. Bailey only weighs 17 pounds and Pippa is 25, so I crossed my fingers that it was sturdy enough and went to work.
After installing the tension rod in my bathroom door, I managed to get Bailey in the sling and hung him up. He was so unsure of what was going on that he just hung there, no attempt to squirm or growl. And in less than 2 minutes, his nails were trimmed and I even used the grinder to take off the sharp edges.  Success!
So if you have a trouble with manicures for your dogs, I highly recommend the grooming dog sling. It actually works! Bailey has nice short nails with no drama…. and I didn’t lose a finger.

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