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How old is your dog?

I’m a little grey but I still got it.

I was looking at my dog Pippa the other day as she was napping and it hit me that at 11, she is in her golden years. She’s pretty gray and a little slower. And a little less patient with young Bailey. But overall, still in pretty good shape and loves a long walk. And I was wondering, how old is that in human years.
They used to say one human year is equal to seven dog years. However, that really isn’t totally accurate. So much depends on the breed, their size and weight.
I found a great age calculator that seems to be much more accurate.
Pippa is a French Bulldog and according to the calculator, she is 67 in human years. Small little Bailey the Boston Terrier is 3 in human years and 28 in dog years. My nephew’s 120 pound Newfoundland is 6 years old and close to 50 in human years. Size does matter in calculating age.
The site also has some great info on dog traits and care. So if you’d like to figure out how old your dog is and what you might do to keep them healthy, you can find it at

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