I keep telling my dogs that spring is here… almost. And then we’ll be able to go on longer walks. They love to go in the woods and smell, check out what nature has left behind this winter and even go for a little swim. So to get prepared for extended walks, here are a few things to keep in mind.
Our mild winter means ticks are already out and will probably be horrible this summer. So make sure you are protecting your dogs with some sort of tick prevention. And to make sure they don’t bring one home, I like to go over my dogs with a lint roller before we go in the house.
It’s always good to check your leashes to make sure they are not worn or have weakened snaps. And if you are going for a walk any place public, please use your leash. It is frightening to encounter a dog not on leash. No one knows what their dog will do in certain situations. Some dogs are leash reactive when encountering a free roaming dog. And the only way to have your dog 100% under your control is when they are on a leash. Not to mention, it is the law. Please don’t be that person.
If you’re taking a walk with your dogs, be present in the moment. When you’re on your phone or texting, you’re distracted. You might not see that unleashed dog or bike until it’s too late. Not to mention, they deserve your attention. This walk is probably their favorite part of the day, so enjoy it with them too. Sniffing is actually good for them. It helps them know their surroundings and it is a brain relaxer. So don’t rush them. Enjoy the leisurely pace.
If you’re walking after dark, get them a reflective vest so they are easily seen by an oncoming car.
And if you have a runner, think about a GPS collar. I have a FI collar for Bailey. Not so much because he’s a runner but because he’s deaf. So if he would ever get away from me, he can’t hear me call him and he can’t hear cars.
Training while you walk
A walk is a great way to reinforce good habits. Always take treats with you. And as you walk, stop occasionally and ask then to sit and stay. Bonus points if there is a distraction like another dog or people. Reinforce the good behavior with a treat. When they know what you want, it’s much easier to get them to do it when it really matters.
And if your dog is a puller, walking and reinforcing good behavior is a great way to overcome that. Many dogs to better with a head collar or an EZ Walk harness. But no matter what they use, praise them when they are walking like a good dog. Yelling when they are pulling does no good. If you need some ideas on how to train your dog to be a relaxed walker, check out this video.