I've heard people say that exercising is fun and that you get addicted to it after you start. That has never happened to me. I really struggle to enjoy exercise which makes me give up pretty easily. Of course a walk with my family is always nice, but with a 4 year old walking next to you, you're not really getting the heart rate up.
I've tried almost every piece of equipment at the gym, and I own at least 5 different exercise DVD's. Still nothing seems to keep me pumped up, excited and motivated. I envy runners who say it's a high……I would love to feel that way towards exercise. Instead I feel bitter and annoyed that I have to do it if I want to get into shape and I search for any other way I can get great results without breaking a sweat.
If you feel this way too, or maybe you're in shape but bored with your routine, here are 5 ways to make exercise fun again. I'm actually excited to try a couple of these- including kickboxing. Maybe punching something is just what I need 😉