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Mon - Fri: 03:00 PM - 07:00 PM

Making friends as an adult

One of the hardest things to do as an adult in my opinion is making friends. As your life changes and evolves, sometimes your friends do as well. If you haven't held onto your friends from school, or you've  moved, or maybe you've made some changes in your life, you might find yourself without friends. I remember thinking how many friends I used to have when I was younger but now that I'm older with a child, I find myself wondering what happened.

My daughter is great at making friends. She walks up to a kid, says "hi I'm Ella" and then asks if they want to be friends or play. That's it! Now if I walked up to someone and said "Hi I'm Heather…..do you want to be friends?" that would be weird right?

I'm in an interesting situation because as an older mom, most of the mothers of the children my daughter's age are a lot younger than me so we don't necessarily have a lot in common and I'm definitely not as "hip" as some of them. 

What's funny is I've had this "lack of friends" conversation with other women who feel the same way…..so I know I'm not alone. The problem is I think we are all unsure how to develop and nurture new relationships as an adult.

It's natural for your group of friends to change over time, especially if you have kids and they don't, or your kids are different ages. It is also very important to have friends- especially if you're a mom. So how do you find those friends? Here are 6 easy steps to help you out!


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